
Best Drinks for Pregnant Women

Sari Kurma dates is one of the many best health drink products for pregnant women who currently have a lot of devotees. Made from selected pure dates, hygienically processed without preservatives Al Jazira palm juice is consumed by both pregnant women and mothers who have given birth, postpartum and breastfeeding.

The role of dates alone in pregnant women, because in the dates there are hormones similar to the hormone octycin (a hormone produced by neurohipofisa, works to help the birth process. The way the hormone oxytocin merges with its receptors begins regular muscle contraction, gradually, causing expansion of the neck the uterus, from where the birth process will occur.

After labor, the hormone oxytocin will help to drying the uterus and increasing contraction of the muscles that are knitted with each other like a net. The fibers of the netted muscles contract in such a way that they narrow the knit gaps between the eyes of which have a bag of soft blood and drain the blood, this causes gradual cessation of bleeding.

The vein fibers surrounding the milk duct in the breast also contract, making the milk rush when these channels and their milk are contracted. From there, there is a perfect breastfeeding process.

Other benefits of Al Jazira palm juice are:

- Increase platelets in the blood and overcome DHF

- Prevent stroke

- Overcoming rheumatism

- Prevents the body from bacteria and cancer

- Helps bone growth - Overcoming hemorrhoids

- Treating anemia, lethargy and fatigue

- Streamlining the urethra - Increase the child's weight

- Increase vitality - Nourish from poisoning

- Stabilize the psyche for children and the elderly

- Slows down the aging of the body

- Healthy skin

- Suitable for diet

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